Wednesday, January 30, 2013

참치 (Chomchi)

Somehow I forgot to mention that I have acquired a kitten. So August 2012 my two friends (Lavinia and Nicole) were on a bike ride on a rainy day where they came upon a small sickly kitten. They put her in Nicole's backpack and took her to the vet. She was malnourished and dehydrated and the vet guessed her age to be about 1 month old. Lavinia took her home, however in a week she was heading back to the US for 3 months. She asked me to kitten sit and long story short me and the kitten bonded and I got to keep her ^_^ She has been named Chomchi (참치) which is Korean for tuna.

She is a cutie pie though a bit psychotic lol she is very needy for a cat and is very verbal. She also likes to randomly go nuts and run around the whole apartment. She likes to lick people and chew on things. To be honest she acts more like a puppy than a cat. Oh and she climbs on EVERYTHING...I've found her in the light fixtures a few times -_- I don't know much about cats and definitely not about kittens so this is an interesting experience so far. Here's a video of when I first got her

Now for cute kitten pictures!!! Be ready to be blown away by cuteness lol

In the lights -_-

In the lights again...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sunday (1/27/2013) Sledging Drift!

Yo! Here's Part 2 of my weekend :) so as I was having lunch with my friend Bianca she invited me to go sledging with her and some people she met at the International Party. I asked her what the heck sledging was and she had no clue and so we decided it must be something like sledding...we weren't that far off actually. What you do is sit on this sled and you have two ice pics which you use to move around on a lake size patch of ice. I know it sounds strange but it was a lot of fun. It's easier to explain if I just show you lol so I had a vid but it's not uploading therefore here is a link to Bianca's Vlog on it:

My Friend's Vlog on Sledging :)

While we were sledging there was a family there and the two little girls were actually students of the Korean guy that was with us. There was also a man there with his son. The kids were soooo cute! The mother of the two girls was very nice and bought us lunch and the little boy gave me some of his hard boiled egg. However, he gave it to me because he didn't like the yellow part lol but lucky for me because that's actually my favorite part.

Saturday Night (01/26/2013) International Party!!

Hello All!

Although it's been a week I had an awesome weekend. I separated it into two posts because I have many pictures from each event :) Alright well Saturday day time was pretty uneventful. I met with my friend Nicole for lunch and we hung out. However, that night I went to an International Party with my other friend Bianca. So before I get into it, I'll just give a little background about these parties.

There is a group that meet at a cafe called Talkaholic where they do language exchange between Koreans and Foreigners. I actually haven't been to this place yet though I have been meaning to go for the longest time. Well these people who set up this language exchange decided to set up monthly parties for people to get together and have a good time and make new friends. The parties are held at a type of bar-restaurant place and you pay 20,000won for unlimited drinks and food. I've been to one before and had a really good time so I was happy that I was able to make this one.

This was the 7th International Party and I had a great time. I met many new people which I hope to meet again. There were about 60 people total that showed up and from what I hear everyone had a great time. After the party a group of us went to do 노래방 which is when you rent a room and you sing karaoke. It was a good mix of Korean and English songs being sung. Then we proceeded to go to another bar called Yellow Taxi which I'm sure I've mentioned before in earlier posts. I had such a wonderful time I can't wait for the next one!

Now for your viewing pleasure....PICTURES!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Jet Lag is a....

I wish there was a better way to travel. There are so many places I want to see but getting there is such a hassle. Not to mention there is the problem of jet lag. Yes, jet-lag, the condition where your sleeping pattern gets all types of messed up from flying over different time zones. Needless to say, I friggin hate it...a perfect example: it's 430am as I'm typing this post right now. The worst part is I'M WIDE AWAKE...not a bit of sleepiness. ~sigh~ I guess the smart thing to do would be to do something productive with this time but I don't really feel like it lol

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Dear lord I'm so horrible with this blog thing....therefore my resolution is I'm going to try and keep this thing updated! Technically this should be my last term before my contract ends but there were some issues at my job so I ended up having this term off which makes spring term my last term. As a result, I am currently back in America...actually I've been back since December 12th lol...I return to Korea on January 15th. Once back in Korea however I am still on vacation...btw this is unpaid :-/ oh well I agreed to it. So once I return there should be more posts...maybe...if interesting things happen lol. I hope everyone had great holidays and new year!