Wednesday, January 30, 2013

참치 (Chomchi)

Somehow I forgot to mention that I have acquired a kitten. So August 2012 my two friends (Lavinia and Nicole) were on a bike ride on a rainy day where they came upon a small sickly kitten. They put her in Nicole's backpack and took her to the vet. She was malnourished and dehydrated and the vet guessed her age to be about 1 month old. Lavinia took her home, however in a week she was heading back to the US for 3 months. She asked me to kitten sit and long story short me and the kitten bonded and I got to keep her ^_^ She has been named Chomchi (참치) which is Korean for tuna.

She is a cutie pie though a bit psychotic lol she is very needy for a cat and is very verbal. She also likes to randomly go nuts and run around the whole apartment. She likes to lick people and chew on things. To be honest she acts more like a puppy than a cat. Oh and she climbs on EVERYTHING...I've found her in the light fixtures a few times -_- I don't know much about cats and definitely not about kittens so this is an interesting experience so far. Here's a video of when I first got her

Now for cute kitten pictures!!! Be ready to be blown away by cuteness lol

In the lights -_-

In the lights again...

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