Friday, February 1, 2013

A simple lunch that turned into a party O.o lol

Hello Everyone!!! In the spirit of keeping up my resolution here's another update :) This past Wednesday (1/30/2013) a group of us went out to lunch and  it was a lot of fun. Now somehow it turned into a mini party get together thing...this is what happened...닭갈비 (Dalk Galbi) is one of my favorite foods here in Korea below is a picture of's delicious!

There's chicken, cabbage, onions, rice cake, cheese filled rice cake (this was added), and sweet potato all in a spicy red sauce

I mentioned to my friend Bianca that I haven't had any since returning to Korea. She has a half day on Wednesdays, meaning she doesn't have work until 730pm, so we decided to go on Wednesday. She then said she would invite a few friends, however that somehow turned into a group of 11 people (including myself) going to lunch lol
Waiting for people
Our parade to the restaurant lol

 After this wonderful lunch we all got ice cream and went to Nori Zone. Nori Zone is a place that's sort of like an arcade. Well there's this ride there called 디스고팡팡 (Disco Pang Pang). Only three people from our group went on it...but it's basically this ride that spins around and bounces around as well, which is why I didn't get on it was crazy and the ride was 20 minutes long!
Ice Cream Pops!

 Once the ride ended we decided to go to a dog cafe though by then we were down to six people since the others had to go. The dog cafe was a lot of fun but the drinks were terrible lol but there were many cute doggies!!!

 Before we left we played a game called Halli Galli. Everyone has cards that are kept face down (the number of cards depends on the number of people playing; we each had 9 cards) and there's a bell in the middle of the circle. The cards have different fruits on them and a different amount of that fruit, for example, there's a card with 4 plums and another with 2 strawberries. As you go around the circle each person flips over one of their cards. Everyone has to have their left hand on their left ear and use their right hand to flip the card. You go around until there is 5 of one of the fruits, an example is would be a card with 3 limes and a card of 2 limes and the other cards are different fruits means hit the bell.

The first one to ring the bell with their left hand gets all the cards. The person who gets all the cards wins, but we just started a new game once someone lost all their cards (Usually even if you don't have cards you can try to get back in the game if you hit the bell first). It's a really fun game, but we made a punishment for the losers (we played two games) which was they had to go up to a complete stranger(a guy) and tell them they were handsome but do it in Korean and Aegyo style (cutesy).

Playing Halli Galli
Lol her punishment guy

Her punishment guy who we ended up making friends with lol

Needless to say I had a very eventful Wednesday which was great since lately I've spent most of my time in the house. 안녕!

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